September 23rd 2024 from 5:30-7:30PM at San Juan Hills High School
100+ Colleges!
Breakout Sessions!
StriveScan barcode to easily exchange information with colleges!
Interpretation available in Spanish, and Mandarin
Step 1: Register to receive important updates and exchange information with colleges
Register with StriveScan
This year we are partnering with StriveScan to make it easier than ever for students to exchange information with colleges. During the fair, you’ll show your barcode to colleges who will scan it to send you more information about their schools. The day after the fair, you will receive a report with information on the colleges with whom you scanned. StriveScan is completely FREE for families!
SAVE TIME! Please register for a barcode before the fair at or by scanning the QR code! (Tip: To find our fair in the registration, make sure to search for events within a 25 mile range.)
Privacy and security are StriveScan’s top priorities. StriveScan maintains strict privacy restrictions and only shares personally identifiable student information with the institutions that the student consents or allows to scan their barcode, their school counselors, and the event coordinators. StriveScan does not sell or share student data to other third-parties.
Step 2: Plan your visit: explore breakout sessions!
Hear from college reps and educate yourself on your options in a breakout session!
Please note: Breakout sessions will take place in the theater and space will be limited. Seating is first come, first served.
Session 1: UC/CSU Admissions Overview
Hear admissions updates from the UC and CSU system for freshman applicants
Learn how to apply and about application review process
Session 2: Community College Panel Showcase
Local community college representatives will present on their institutions/programs
Learn about benefits of the Promise Program
Transfer opportunities and pathways, including the TAG program
Session 3: WUE: Higher Ed / Lower Costs - Adventure out-of-state!
Learn about the Western Undergraduate Exchange regional tuition-reciprocity agreement amongst 150+ institutions in the US western states
Discover the commonalities and nuances of the WUE program
Open up your options for out-of-state colleges
Step 3: Plan your visit: research participating colleges!
100+ Colleges/Universities from all over the world will be attending our fair!
Use the interactive map below to see who will be attending:
Zoom into a geographic location of interest
Click on any pin on the map to learn more about each school and start building a list of schools you wish to speak to at the fair!
Review the spreadsheet below to see who will attending:
Schools are categorized by in-state, out-of-state, and international
Pro tip: want to find a school based on popular major? Use "Ctrl+F" on your keyboard and type in your major of interest to find schools that are known for that major!